


MFA, Alfred University, New York State College of Ceramics, 2012


ARTS 3620实践方法
ARTS 4630玻璃博天堂官方网站与实践
ARTS 4640高级玻璃
ARTS 4680高级玻璃工作室


I am interested in ideas concerning the realm of magic. Not the generalized modern term used in conversation today, but the in the sense of the ancient human desire to understand and control the natural world. 起源于咒语, 占卜, 以及通过神话对世界的理解, magic was a way for us to strengthen our relationship with nature, simultaneously delineating our realm as outside that of the natural world. 一旦这条线画好,这种分裂产生了, this sense of longing has perpetuated into our human consciousness even today.

Wound up inside of the perfectly choreographed string of DNA, nestling in each glowing follicle of a laboratory rabbit, residing within every perfectly labeled and named peak and valley in the map of the moon, this same longing is alive and strong in the realm of the modern world today. 在每种情况下, 这些文物成为我们自我的一面镜子, our desires manifest; but as a mirror creates a perfect reflection, one loses sight of the glass and silver that elicit the intriguing apparition, the crude mechanics that effectuate the semblance of the real.

The material qualities and historical context of glass embodies this sense of longing, 一直是魔法的载体, 我们试图通过它来弥合这段距离. The crystal ball, the mirror, yes, but what of the humble window pane? It created a visual connection of the outside world within the comfortable shelter of the home. It rendered nature as a two dimensional field, an outside, a screen.

I see this use of glass as invisible delineation from the elements, a re-creation of the “real”. 培养皿里的原始世界, an uncanny stare of the glass eyes of a taxidermic mount, 审讯室的一面镜子, the relationship I have with my iPhone screen as a means of communication. Our coexistence with glass as a material has allowed us to evolve in a divergent manner. 我们通过中介体验感受到联系. We can create new realities through the delineated, hermetically sealed realm inside of a glass form.

Whether we could even daydream before our coevolution with this material is a large question for me.

My body of work thus far has been investigation of this idea of magic, the simultaneous lightness and heaviness that is created when the imagined is labored into the physical realm. 我是一个博天堂官方收藏家, using indiscretion toward whether fact or fiction; I seam narratives together, manipulating the realness of objects through the malleability of wax reproductions. 我努力重现那些经历过的时刻, or imagined into a physical semblance to be witnessed with others in a mutual reality. 我把我的过程看作是标本剥制师的过程, dissecting and reconstructing found forms into an alternate reality. 它在连接之中, 或者我重新激活的新皮肤, 那只手是显而易见的, that hand that endeavors to manifest creations that can fly on their own, 却又害怕去抓住他们.

2015玻璃艺术学会, 西雅图, WA, Selected for The Emerging 艺术ist Presentations at the San Jose G.A.S. 会议
2014  Urbanglass MFA Exhibition,布鲁克林,纽约, solo exhibition
2012  Alfred University, Alfred NY, Cité Internationale des 艺术 Paris Fellowship
2011国际学生展览,G.A.S. 会议,西雅图,华盛顿州.,荣誉奖
2011  The Studio at Corning Museum of Glass, Corning NY, Full Scholarship
2007  Bethel Street Gallery Juried Exhibition, Honolulu, HI, Second Place  
2004年夏威夷大学马诺阿分校, HI, 杰拉尔丁·克拉克玻璃纪念奖学金, 斯坦豪泽和格林伯格皮尔查克奖学金, 优秀学生奖

2015  Bullseye Glass Convention, Bay Area, CA, Lecture on the “Residency Experience”
2015玻璃艺术学会 会议, San Jose,CA, Emerging 艺术ist Lecture
2015  Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 艺术ist Lecture and Demonstration-Glass Taxidermy
2014  州立鲍灵格林大学, Bowling Green, OH, 艺术ist Lecture
2012  Glass 艺术 社会, Toledo, OH, Demonstration Assistant for Hiromi Takizawa and Angus Powers
2012  法律rence Technological University, 法律rence, MI, 艺术ist Lecture
2009  夏威夷大学马诺阿分校, Honolulu, HI, 艺术ist Lecture

2014 S12挪威卑尔根Verksted画廊

2015  2300的性能 with Tinna Thorsteindottir and BGSU 学生, Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY.
2014  哭的钢琴, Prepared Piano Collaboration with Tinna Thorsteinsdóttir, S12 Galleri og Verksted, Bergen, Norway

2014  月球的距离, 纽约布鲁克林城市玻璃的Agnes Varis艺术中心
2012  更熟悉的表格, 福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊,阿尔弗雷德,纽约
2007  野兽嗨,火奴鲁鲁镇

2015  聚集:来自心脏地带的玻璃,印第安纳波利斯艺术中心,印第安纳波利斯,印第安纳州
2014  Michigan Regional Glass Exhibition, Janice Charach Gallery, West Bloomfield, MI
2014  HotGlass托莱多艺术委员会,托莱多,俄亥俄州
2013  工艺媒体中的艺术, Burchfield Penny 艺术 Center at Buffalo State, Buffalo,NY
2013  Glass Invitational, ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes, Corning, NY
2012  年轻而有爱,挪威卑尔根S12画廊
2007  Bethel Street Gallery Juried Exhibition, Bethel Street Gallery, Honolulu, HI
2006  Hawaii Craftsmen Juried Exhibition, Academy 艺术 Center, Honolulu, HI

2014  教师 Exhibition, 州立鲍灵格林大学, Bowling Green, OH
2013  35th Annual Outdoor Light Exhibition, Museum of Illuminated Phenomenon, Alfred NY.
2013  Exploding Boundaries: 教师 and 工作人员 Explorations in Drawing福斯迪克·纳尔逊画廊
2011  点亮夜晚, Glassfest,康宁,纽约州.
2011国际学生展览,G.A.S. 会议,西雅图,华盛顿州.
2010  六个,佛罗里达州西棕榈滩1608画廊.
2006年美术学士作品展, 夏威夷大学美术馆, 夏威夷大学马诺阿分校, HI.


2014  Workshop Manager and 艺术ist in Residence, S12 Galleri og Verksted, Bergen Norway
2013  Foundry Technician, NYSCC, Alfred University, Alfred NY
2011  Assistant Glass Studio Technician, NYSCC, Alfred University, Alfred NY
