

由TechTarget定义.com, AI (人工智能) is "the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, 尤其是计算机系统。”, or the capability of a machine or computer to perform "human-specific tasks". 信息技术服务(ITS)认识到人工智能技术每天都变得越来越普遍和流行, 尤其是在高等教育环境中. 新工具和现有工具的迭代经常被引入,了解可用的人工智能工具可能是压倒性的.


We have designed this webpage as a resource for BGSU students, 以了解更多关于人工智能工具和功能内置到现有的BGSU应用程序/目前正在BGSU使用, 提醒用户使用人工智能的相关风险,并共享资源,以帮助检测人工智能在课程中的使用.


*正式 项目要求 和 采购评审 are required for implementation of any new AI tool for university use. Questions regarding BGSU software can be directed to ITS at 419-372-0999 or ITSchat.bjqzgy.com.


**If an AI tool is expected to provide BGSU-specific data/results, the user/using department is responsible for making sure the data is in place, 准确的, 和维护.


当考虑使用人工智能工具时, individuals often focus on the benefits of AI resources such as increased productivity 和 ROI, help designing lesson plans/lectures 和 assistance researching various topics. 然而, 重要的是要明白,每一个好处都伴随着一系列潜在的风险, 包括资料私隐, 法律和道德风险. 这些风险可能来自外部黑客利用人工智能攻击大学,以及BGSU内部用户将人工智能用于大学业务/课程. 以下信息旨在帮助您在使用人工智能工具来保护自己和大学时保持谨慎和主动. 

人工智能工具给大学带来了网络安全风险,因为它们为黑客打开了大门,让他们可以使用聊天机器人等服务来创建恶意软件,并利用对话进行网络钓鱼和广告诈骗. 虽然供应商尽最大努力禁止这种恶意使用,但不良行为者可以并且确实找到了解决办法. 用户在与人工智能工具交互时应该像对待电子邮件和其他网络钓鱼一样保持警惕.


经常, the information collected by an AI tool is considered "public" information, so be wary of what you are divulging during interactions. AI tools may collect information such as IP address, 浏览器的信息, 网站互动/浏览活动等. 他们可能会与第三方分享. 不要分享任何个人信息, BGSU的专有信息或有关学生/潜在学生的机密信息, 同事, 客户或合作伙伴(例如, 学生个人资料, contractual or health information) when interacting with AI.

If you are considering implementing an AI tool in your area, 请务必查看供应商的隐私政策/披露*,并遵守所有有关数据处理的数据保护法律. Also, be sure to provide users with opt-out 和 deletion options. 我们还建议教师向学生提供与课程中使用的人工智能工具相关的数据隐私风险信息,以及在课程大纲和/或使用人工智能工具时保护个人/敏感数据的信息. 

*In general, most service/application privacy policies can be found on the vendor's website. 我们建议查看FAQ部分, 网站的底部/页脚或存储最终用户许可协议(EULA)的位置. 

AI tools can process large amounts of data, quickly. 虽然这听起来很棒, 他们有可能做出有偏见或歧视性的决定,从而导致不公平的待遇和歧视. 

人工智能工具还可以用于起草论文/演示文稿,协助作业和/或博天堂官方网站. The extent to which this is acceptable can be blurry. 学生 may use AI to help complete coursework; thus, 教师可能需要依靠人工智能检测工具来帮助确定提交的内容是抄袭还是完全由人工智能生成. 

人工智能还可以协助开发博天堂官方网站、专利和其他知识产权(IP). 关于谁拥有由AI帮助开发的知识产权的争议可能会出现(特别是如果涉及多个贡献者),甚至关于AI工具产生的知识产权是否可以受到保护的争论. 

It may also be tempting to use AI to assist in the creation of communications, 网页, 新闻稿, 等.,供大学使用. This should be approached with caution as such content could contain inaccuracies, 偏见, misinformation 和 not appropriately convey the true intentions/sentiment of the message. 

AI tools serve as an opportunity for the cultivation 和 dissemination of false information. 黑客可能会利用人工智能生成带有虚假背景的文章和文档,以最小的成本快速传播阴谋论和虚假叙述. 

*Much of the information in this section is referenced from WilmerHale's  "The Top 10 Legal 和 Business Risks of Chatbots 和 Generative AI" (2月. 2023).


AI & BGSU应用程序

Many of the applications BGSU owns/supports have built-in AI tools available to users. Below are some of the tools for which you can take advantage as a BGSU user.


副驾驶员 is an AI assistant/productivity tool aimed to help users create documents, 电子邮件, 演讲及更多内容. 类似于ChatGPT, it allows the input of prompts to produce a suggested output based on that prompt. 副驾驶员 is available across all Office 365 apps (词, Excel, 演示文稿, 前景, 团队, 等.).

给 prompts to write content or reword/edit existing text. Provides suggestions to strengthen existing writing. Can be helpful when drafting research papers, presentations, lesson plans, syllabi, 等. 


管理 & analyze data, add charts, suggest new formulas, 等. These can be used as visual aids during lectures, business 会议 or for student coursework. 


Take existing written documents 和 transform them into presentations, 包括演讲笔记, 库存图片和资源. Can also create a completely new slide deck from a simple prompt or outline. 这个功能减少了将教案/笔记转换为数字幻灯片所需的时间,可以帮助学生, 教师和工作人员加强演讲, 会议, 项目和更多. 


通过总结冗长的邮件来管理邮件, respond to messages via prompts 和 generate meeting invites. Use these tools to help organize your BGSU email account 和 calendar. 


Summarize meeting points 和 topics of discussion. 在聊天, 提供具体问题的答案, highlight missed messages 和 create meeting agendas based on chat history. 




微软团队 offers a live meeting captioning service via AI verbal recognition.


变焦 uses an AI assistant tool called 变焦 IQ (similar to Microsoft 副驾驶员). 变焦 IQ创建智能录音,以章节的形式快速访问会议信息, 记录重点和操作项. 变焦 IQ can also summarize chat threads 和 organize ideas to create content for 电子邮件, 聊天, 白板会话, 会议议程等. 变焦 also has an auto-closed caption feature for use in 变焦 会议 和 变焦 Rooms. Take advantage of these features when holding virtual lectures 和 会议. 

了解更多关于变焦 IQ

ITS聊天机器人使用供应商创建的聊天机器人引擎来回答用户关于ITS服务产品的查询, various systems 和 technologies used at BGSU, 常见的计算任务. Users can chat with the bot just like they would a human. 聊天机器人引擎使用三阶段方法来响应查询,以确保尽可能准确有效地回答所有查询. 


ITS聊天机器人技巧 & 技巧

Adobe Creative Cloud应用程序有几个内置的人工智能工具,您甚至可能没有意识到您正在使用它们. 例如, Photoshop includes AI tools like Select Subject, 选择Sky/Sky Replacement, 汽车的语气, 等. 

Adobe & 人工智能


语法* is an AI typing assistant that specializes in grammar 和 spelling checks. It also offers predictive writing revision suggestions on correctness, tone, style 和 more. 语法 offers a basic version for free but Premium subscriptions must be purchased. 



语法技巧 & 教程

BGSU的星舰机器人送餐服务利用自主机器人向校园社区送餐. 星际飞船机器人是自动驾驶的,使用摄像头和传感器安全地导航到交货地点. 


AI & 教学

The BGSU Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) has developed a webpage similar to this, 专注于人工智能生成工具和教学. 

查看生成式人工智能 & 教学网站 

While AI can certainly be helpful for University business 和 academics, the use of AI by students to assist with assignments 和/or tests is not ideal. The below listed resources can assist with detecting/preventing the use of AI for coursework.

BGSU教师可以使用Respondus锁定浏览器进行在线评估,以防止用户使用人工智能辅助. responus作为一个人工智能保护器,将在线评估设置为全屏模式,这样考生就不能最小化屏幕来打开其他测试. 它还删除了标准菜单/工具栏. Users can only select the refresh, forward, back, or stop keys during the test. 该工具影响整个设备. 


Respondus & ChatGPT

Turnitin, 画布作业审查学习工具集成(LTI)现在包括人工智能写作检测功能. AI写作指标在相似度报告中可用,并显示作业可能由AI生成的总体百分比. 

了解更多关于Turnitin AI检测



