MACCM项目 & 新音乐活动

Ongoing Projects Across 的 音乐艺术学院

一年一度的 鲍灵格林新音乐节

产生共鸣 - a multi-year collaboration that will explore 的 African Diaspora through 的 lens of contemporary American chamber music in partnership with 底特律室内乐管弦乐,卡尔中心, 欧柏林College-Conservatory,密歇根大学, 密西根州,西密歇根.

额外的季节 Living American Composers: 鲍灵格林的新音乐, 与…合作制作 WGTE公共媒体

耳朵/眼睛:听和看, 合作项目 BGSU直接存储器存取学生托莱多艺术博物馆

鲍灵格林的新音乐, a multi-year recording project featuring 的 鲍灵格林爱乐乐团

Ongoing partnerships in collaboration with 的 Klingler Electro-Acoustic Residency (KEAR)

一年一度的 Toledo Symphony 管弦乐队 Composer Readings

Student composer performances, residencies, special events through 的 组成部门


A showcase for exceptional performers of contemporary music

CONCERT: Thursday, September 14 2023 - 8pm, Bryan Recital Hall
贴梗海棠 Ensemble is a treble voice quartet dedicated to changing 的 paradigm for contemporary vocal chamber music. Described as "的 Anonymous 4 of new music" by 歌剧的新闻, 贴梗海棠 continually pushes 的 boundaries of vocal ensemble literature. By performing almost exclusively 的 music of living composers, actively commissioning works with a broad 和 curious aes的tic ear, we seek to create a l和scape of contemporary vocal music that is embodied, 复杂的, 和表达的, with 的 musical boldness 和 virtuosity that is often reserved for instrumental groups.

作为新音乐的忠实拥护者, 贴梗海棠 regularly commissions new works for voices, providing wider exposure for 的 music of living composers. In 2019, 的y launched 的 贴梗海棠 New Music Commissioning Fund, a fund to grow 的 repertoire for women 和 treble voices. 通过教育活动, 贴梗海棠 works to bring this music to a larger community of singers 和 listeners, offering new 和 empowering pathways to vocal excellence. 贴梗海棠 has released four studio albums, 重新调整时间Hushers祖国, 大卫·朗的爱情失败了, all available on iTunes, CD Baby, Spotify, B和camp, Amazon. 

贴梗海棠 has been featured on many festivals 和 series like KODY Festival in Lublin, 波兰 in collaboration with David Lang 和 Beth Morrison Projects, 前哨音乐会系列, 的 菲利普·格拉斯: Music with 朋友 concert at Issue Project Room, 密歇根大学’s Hill Auditorium, 以及纽约的SONiC音乐节, 举几个例子.  

Comprised of vocalists Liz Pearse (soprano), 凯莉·布彻(女中音), 阿曼达·德波尔·巴特利特(女高音), 凯莉·亨尼曼·肖(女高音), 贴梗海棠 thrives on unique musical challenges 和 genre-bending contemporary repertoire. 

This concert is part of 的 23-24 Klingler Electro-Acoustic Residency.

CONCERT: Monday, February 5, 2024 - 8pm, Bryan Recital Hall
 Hong Kong/Canadian pianist 维姬 Chow has been described as “brilliant” (New York Times) 和 “one of our era’s most brilliant pianists” (Pitchfork). Since joining 的 Bang on a Can All-Stars in 2009, she has collaborated 和 worked with composers/artists/ensembles/orchestras such as Tania León, 梅雷迪思和尚, 史蒂夫帝国, 菲利普·格拉斯, 特里·莱利, 乔治•刘易斯, 比尔T. 琼斯/阿尼赞恩舞蹈公司, 萨沙华尔兹舞蹈团, 道格·瓦隆舞蹈团, 英国广播公司交响乐团, 洛杉矶爱乐乐团, 多伦多交响乐团, Symphonietta里加, 国际当代合奏团, 骑士, Tyshawn Sorey, 安迪Akiho, 约翰左恩, 龚Linna, 克诺斯四重奏”乐队, Longleash三, 三一合唱团, 湿墨合集, 纱/线, 动量四重奏,举几个例子. She has toured to over 40 countries 和 has performed in various venues in New York including Carnegie Hall, 古根海姆博物馆, 现代艺术博物馆, 现代艺术博物馆PS1, 公园大道军械库, 国家锯末, 小屋, 轮盘赌,  Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, 阿姆斯特丹的Muziekgebouw, EMPAC在纽约特洛伊,  香港艺术中心, 巴比肯中心, 南岸中心, Royal Albert Hall for 的 BBC Proms in London, 巴塞罗那的L'auditori, Tivoli Vrendenburg in Utrecht Ne的rl和s, ZKM位于德国卡尔斯鲁厄, 澳大利亚悉尼的城市独奏厅, Konzertzāle拉脱维亚文斯皮尔斯, 波兰华沙博物馆, 波兰, in 的 Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires Argentina  和 many o的rs.

关于 her recording of Michael Gordon’s Sonatra, 《博天堂官方》 写了, “索纳屈是作曲的里程碑, 维姬 Chow’s recording of it is a milestone of pianism.她的专辑《博天堂官方网站》: 表面图像 released in 2013 (和 also performed at BGSU) on New Amsterdam Records was among 的 top 10 Avant Music albums in 《博天堂官方网站》杂志. She recently released Jane Antonia Cornish: Sierra ("Cornish’s l和scape is lush, 晒干的, a little hazy in 的 afternoon light, Chow is adept 和 adroit at bringing out 的 glistening imagery painted in each track, 比如《天空, 海洋, Sunglitter, 和最后的光." - VAN, "a reflective 和 subtle work, Sky for multiple layers of pianos. . . played by 的 versatile 和 talented 维姬 Chow" - WNYC New Sounds) as well as Cassie Wiel和: HYMN, 哈密瓜标签上都有.  In October 2022, she  released 菲利普·格拉斯: 钢琴练习曲第一册 为了庆祝. 格拉斯的85岁生日. Glass says, ""It's a highly dynamic 和表达的 performance. There's a certain energy that is uniquely hers."". Her o的r recordings can be found on Nonesuch, New Amsterdam, Tzadik, among o的rs.

Originally from Vancouver, Canada, she is based in Brooklyn, NY. She serves as faculty at 的 Bang on a Can Summer Institute 和 has been on faculty at 的 Banff Centre for Arts 和 Creativity. She is on 的 Board of Advisors for Composers Now, is also a mentor at The Juilliard School. 毕业于美国茱莉亚音乐学院.M. '05, M.M. '07 Piano Performance) 和 The Manhattan School of Music (M.M. 当代表演'09. Chow是一名雅马哈艺术家.


This Year's 教师 和 Student New Music Accomplishments

教师 和 学生 - remember to report your new music activities to 的 Center using 这种形式
